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ma 12:30 - 21:30
di 12:30 - 21:30
wo 12:30 - 21:30
do 12:30 - 21:30
vr 12:30 - 21:30
za 12:30 - 21:30
zo 12:30 - 21:30
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ma 12:30 - 21:30
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do 12:30 - 21:30
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za 12:30 - 21:30
zo 12:30 - 21:30
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Hoe was jouw ervaring?

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  1. Here is the story: they have a faulty payment terminal with a bad connection(and they admit they know it) so you may end up with a double payment and then you call them for a refund, they promise to refund in an hour, then few hours later you call again, they again promise and so on and on… this is surely not my fault, but somehow I need to chase them to get the money back, terrible irresponsible behaviour.

    • Eten & drinken -
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    • Service 1
    • Prijs / kwaliteit 1
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